Drew Aungst
Track: Education
Book Recommendation: Deconstruction in a nutshell: A conversation with Jacquez Derrida
Favorite Word: Perpective (n.) a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
Senior Superlative: Most Likely to Miss Class on Friday’s for Football

Alanna Carlson
Track: Literature & Writing
Book Recommendation: In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado
Favorite Word: Sonder (n.) the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.
Senior Superlative: Most Like to Bake an Obscene Amount of Cookies in an Effort to Ignore Reality

Jenna Cosgrove
Track: Literature
Book Recommendation: The Book of Delights by Ross Gay
Favorite Word: Cubby (n.) a small, enclosed compartment or room.
Senior Superlative: Most Likely to Not Know What Her Senior Superlative Should Be

Emily Kapus
Track: Literature
Book Recommendation: Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Favorite Word: Eunoia (n.) a feeling of goodwill (being friendly and wanting to help), especially one that exists between a speaker and an audience
Senior Superlative: Most Likely to Talk Nonstop About the Benefits Among Different Teas.

Dani Littrell
Track: Education
Book Recommendation: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
Favorite Word: Mellifluous (adj.) (of a voice or words) pleasing to hear.
Senior Superlative: Most Likely to Get Engaged and COVID on the Same Day

Liberty Lomonaco
Track: Literature
Book Recommendation: In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware
Favorite Word: Vellichor (n.) the pensive nostalgia and temporality of used bookstores; the feeling evoked by the scent of old books or paper.
Senior Superlative: Most Likely to Be Admitted to Rehab….Twice….For a Caffeine Addiction

Jessica Moore
Track: Writing
Book Recommendation: The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak
Favorite Word: Verisimilitude (n.) the appearance of being true or real.
Senior Superlative: Most Likely to Look in Her Phone For a Senior Bio Selfie and Only Find Flower Pictures

Hannah Mumm
Track: Writing
Book Recommendation: Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery
Favorite Word: Flamingo (n.) a tall wading bird with mainly pink or scarlet plumage and long legs and neck.
Senior Superlative: Most Likely to Overshare

McKenna Rice
Track: Writing
Book Recommendation: The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller; The Road, Cormac McCarthy; The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern.
Favorite Word: Raw (n.) in a natural, unrefined, or crude state.
Senior Superlative: Most Likely to Become a Serial Killer

Jack VanderGriend
Track: Writing
Book Recommendation: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
Favorite Word: Facetious (adj.) treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
Senior Superlative: Longest (as in height and beard hair)