Larai Breithaupt
Field of Study: Writing Track, Minor in Editing and Publishing
Favorite Reading: The Wild Iris by Lois Gluck

Colette Campbell
Field of Study: Writing Track, Minor in Film and Visual Narratives
Favorite Reading: The Tempest by William Shakespeare

Bryn Cavin
Field of Study: Literature and Writing Tracks, Minor in Editing and Publishing
Favorite Reading: View with a Grain of Sand by Wislawa Szymborska

Madison Douglas
Field of Study: Literature Track

Amy Eichelberger
Field of Study: Literature Track, Minor in Music
Favorite Reading: Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee

Emily Hanson
Field of Study: Literature and Writing Tracks, Minors in Spanish, Women & Gender Studies, and Editing and Publishing
Favorite Reading: The Tsar of Love and Techno by Anthony Marra

Monika Hash
Field of Study: Writing Track, Double Major in Theatre
Favorite Reading: North and South By Elizabeth Gaskell

Lydia James
Field of Study: Literature and Writing Tracks, Minor in Theology
Favorite Reading: “Dance of the Happy Shades” By Alice Munro

Meghan Laasko
Field of Study: Literature and Writing Tracks, Minor in Editing and Publishing
Favorite Reading: To The Lighthouse By Virginia Woolf

Hannah Lamon
Field of Study: Literature Track

Christina Locatelli
Field of Study: Literature Track and Piano Pedagogy, Minor in Spanish
Favorite Reading: The Brothers Karamazov By Fyodor Dostoevsky

Adir McNally
Field of Study: Writing Track, Minors in Editing and Publishing, Journalism and Mass Communication
Favorite Reading: The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Gabriel Meek
Field of Study: Literature and Writing Tracks, Minor in Editing and Publishing
Favorite Reading: Frankenstein By Mary Shelley

Joshua Smith
Field of Study: Literature Track

Meredith VanderBunte
Field of Study: Writing Track, Minor in Editing and Publishing
Favorite Reading: The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

Chandler Wheeler
Field of Study: Writing Track, Minor in Theatre
Favorite Reading: The Great Fires By Jack Gilbert

Kohlton Wilcox
Field of Study: Writing Track, Minor in Theatre
Favorite Reading: The Queer Art of Failure By Jack Halberstam

Tucker Wilson
Field of Study: Writing Track, Speech Communication
Favorite Reading: Leaves of Grass By Walt Whitman

Joshua Worden
Field of Study: Writing Track
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2020!